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Coastal Erosion Control
Erosion control refers to erosion mitigation techniques based on soft and hard structural shoreline
stabilization methods and nonstructural measures. Hard structural stabilization refers to shoreline
erosion control approaches based on the construction of man-made structures, such as sea gabion
walls, Revetment , and groynes.
Sea Gabion Wall Constructions
A sea gabion wall is a coastal defense structure constructed using gabion baskets filled with rocks or other suitable materials. The process involves placing these gabion baskets strategically along the shoreline to prevent erosion and protect coastal infrastructure from wave action. Typically, the construction starts with preparing the foundation by leveling the seabed and installing a base layer of gabion baskets. The baskets are then filled with durable rocks and stacked on top of each other to the desired height, forming a stable barrier against the sea. The top of the wall may be capped with concrete or other reinforcement to enhance stability and durability, especially in areas prone to high wave energy and tidal forces.

Gabions are manufactured with heavy galvanized and PVC coated wire to avoid corrosion. The wire mesh baskets are filled with rocks at the site to form flexible, permeable, monolithic structures and are placed in a structure to protect against natural causes such as earth slips, soil retention, floods, soil erosion, etc.
The Gabions’ strength to withstand these natural threats lies in its double twisted hexagonal mesh of steel wire which is reinforced by selvedges of heavier wire running along the edges and by transverse diaphragms.
HT Ecobuild Engineering has Specialized Experience for the Construction of Sea Gabion Wall at the shoreline and Similar with respective Design and Approval Process.

Technical Specification of Gabion Box

Revetment construction
Coastal and river revetment construction involves the installation of protective structures along the banks of rivers or coastlines to prevent erosion and stabilize the surrounding land. These structures, typically made of concrete, rock, or other durable materials, are strategically placed to absorb and deflect the force of flowing water, waves, and currents. Coastal revetments are designed to withstand the erosive forces of waves and tides, while river revetments are engineered to resist the scouring effects of river flow. By reducing erosion, these revetments help maintain the integrity of riverbanks and coastlines, protect adjacent infrastructure and habitats, and mitigate the risk of flooding and property damage.
HT Ecobuild Engineering has Specialized Experience For the Construction of Revetment at the Shoreline, River Bank or Similar with respective Design and Approval Process.

Groyne Construction
Our company excels in groyne construction, offering expertise in designing and building these essential structures for coastal protection and sediment management. With a focus on precision engineering and durable materials, we ensure the longevity and effectiveness of each groyne, safeguarding shorelines and enhancing coastal resilience against erosion and sedimentation.